
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday March 31

Noah absolutely loves this Mardi Gras horn... his voice sounds grown up projecting out of it.

Tuesday March 29

I have been forgetting to write about something new...Noah has finally been using his pop corn popper correctly. He is walking around the house with it and pushing it or pulling it behind him so that you can hear it pop... it's not his favorite toy, but I love it! He has also been making this scrunched up face and whining... I think he learned this at school. He just does it for a sec and then stops... nothing is wrong when he does it. It is annoying!

Sunday March 27

Our first trip to the Aquarium!

I tried using the baby leash thing, but I just couldn't do it... it was too weird.

Jeff was there too, but he took all the pics.

Noah loves bunny.

Mr. Cool

Saturday March 26

We went to take pictures with the Easter bunny today. Noah was very interested in the bunny, trying to get to him when we were in line waiting. When it was FINALLY our turn after a long wait, he started crying when we put him on the bunny's lap... we end up taking a family picture. He fell asleep in the car on the way home after having some cheerios for a snack. Some leftovers snuck into bed with him; he woke up from his nap and immediately began eating them... he doesn't skip a beat!

Thursday March 24

Noah went to the doctor today for his 12 month visit. We're spreading his shots out, so he only got 2... he took it like such a trooper. He also got a finger stick for his blood work... he cried until the nurse put the band-aids on then his interests were re-directed to getting them off.

Wednesday March 23

Noah dumped some of his bath soap into his tub, so he took a bubble bath tonight. He thought the bubbles were delicious! He also continues to enjoy drinking his bath water... yum yum yum.

Monday March 21

Since he had such a rough weekend, Noah stayed home with Daddy this morning. Jeff has been working with Noah to say some new words. He has been trying to repeat a lot lately. He sometimes says thank you when he wants something and he has said bath and night night just a few times. Another new thing is his developed love for meat-a-ballza... Cyrus also loved these at an early age!

Sunday March 20

Since yesterday was fall down day, today was smash you fingers and other accidents day. Noah has been very tired lately... guess it's from the ear infections and sinus issues. He has remained in good spirits and has been blowing raspberries all over our tummies.

Saturday March 19

Today was not Noah's best day (to say the least). Either his ear infection or antibiotic has his equilibrium off... he keeps falling down. He fell outside on the concrete and slammed his head into the ground... we could actually hear it hitting the cement. He has a bump on his head with popped blood vessels... I can't believe the only place he bled was his knee and it was just the tiniest little scrape that stopped bleeding after we wiped it off. He also has some red marks on his nose and just below his nose. He cried a little, but was fine once we picked him up and brought him upstairs... he is such a trooper. He continued to fall all over the place for the rest of the day... he hardly ever crawls anymore and is determined to be independent when walking, so it was a rough day! Thankfully, he is sleeping peacefully... hopefully he will be well rested and a little sturdier on his feet tomorrow.

Friday March 18

Noah stayed home with Papa and Aunt Jessica... he said a new word today - ball. He seems to be feeling a little better today. He enjoyed a walk in his new stroller this afternoon... Jeff pushed him and Cyrus and I rode bikes.

Thursday MArch 17

Noah's school called this afternoon because he was running 102 degree fever again. Jeff picked him up and brought him to the doctor... he has a double ear infection. :(

Tuesday March 15

Noah has two more teeth coming in! They are the next two top teeth.

Monday March 14

This is definitely not a mastered skill! He had to change clothes shortly after this was taken... he's so good at it in the bathtub!

Noah had raisins for the first time today... he loved them and ate almost the whole little box! We went on a long wagon ride this afternoon. He enjoyed the wind in his hair and was very observant of his surroundings; he reached out to touch things as we passed by. He also threw his bottle among other things out of the wagon and watched them roll away.

Sunday March 13

Noah has been interested in putting things in and taking things out of containers. He took some of the recyclables out of the the bag and put them in the dryer... good thing we wash the recyclables well before placing them in the bag.
We went to lunch with Nonna today. Noah ate broccoli and tilapia for the first time; he really enjoyed the broccoli.

Saturday March 12

We hung out with grandparents this morning before heading home.

The weather was very cool in Shreveport.

There were many stops along the way home... first we stopped at a Subway where Noah ate some chicken and sat at the booth like a big boy.

We also stopped by the farmer's market where we bought some fruit. Noah enjoyed riding in the basket.

We made about an hour stop in Baton Rouge so Noah could play with Lucy and Hannah. He really liked Lucy's princess wand.

Noah was a little apprehensive of this house, but he did peek inside at least.

After 9 hours on the road (in and out of the car) we arrived home! Noah did much better with all the stops... guess we'll just have to make a long day out of traveling to save ourselves the headache and Noah the heartache!

Friday March 11

Noah did some cleaning before his party.

Then we played in the beautiful back yard.

Is this wagon big enough for me?

We had a Shreveport family birthday celebration for Noah today. His cousin Jennifer made him some cupcakes which he really enjoyed... unlike his other party, this time he knew exactly what to do with the cake!

You better give me back my cake Pops!

Thursday March 10

play date with Hank and Maggie

We did not bring Noah's tub to Shreveport, but luckily Alan had this awesome pink duck for us to borrow.

Wednesday March 9

Noah's new thing - staying in one place to poop

Well, we should have know it wasn't going to be the best day when we woke up to a storm and a lake surrounding our house. Noah fought napping in the car and only took 2 short naps (one for 30m and the other for 15m) the whole 5.5 plus hours we were driving! The rest of the trip consisted of me trying to entertain him while he screamed and cried in between the fun times. I can't stand road trips, so I hope it was just a bad day and he didn't inherit this from me. We were all so excited to FINALLY arrive in Shreveport after many extra stops to change diapers and stretch our legs. Noah ate some yummy carrots and roast for dinner while we visited with the grandparents and great grandparents and then he had a great night's sleep... thank goodness!

Tuesday March 8

Throw me something mister!

Noah was wondering what was going on in this lady's milk area.

Noah has started squatting in a quiet area to poop... he's growing up so fast!

Saturday March 5

Noah switched to whole milk this morning. He had no problem transitioning!

Friday March 4

Jeff picked Noah up from school today. He said as soon as he opened the door to the cafeteria (which is near the nursery) he could hear Noah babbling at the top of his lungs... he didn't realize it was Noah until he got to the door and witnessed it himself.

Thursday March 3

Noah has been sharing his things with us and we've been saying thank you...now he's starting to say it back. Jeff is very determined that he will have good manners.