
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

In her 10th month...

Elle is not walking yet, but she is "knee walking" as Jeff calls it.  She is so good at it that it seems faster than crawling (which is like race crawling sometimes).  She has been waving a lot, and actually waving from side to side instead of opening and closing her hands.  She gets really excited about things and points... she LOVES tv (which of course we are very upset about).  She still says mama all the time, but she says dada from time to time and baba for bottle.  She loves cheerios and imitating Noah;they crack each other up.  She still loves to be held and rocked to sleep.  She's very interested in new foods and really likes rice and apparently Noah's almond milk (she's always trying to steal his rice). She also loves to blow raspberries and she's starting to play peek a boo by pulling the blanket on and off of her face.  She plays with Noah's cars and trains and enjoys taking them in and out of buckets. 

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