
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday May 5

It was hard to go to work today. When I went to tell Noah good-bye I thought he was sleeping in his crib... I leaned over and was welcomed by a smiling cooing Noah. He was ready to start his day which always involves a long conversation... I just wanted to stay at home and talk to him!


  1. How was going back to work? How did Noak do?

  2. Hey Noah,

    I see your smiles and I hope to hear your coos one day. Please tell your parents to post a video when you're cooing. You are growing by leaps and bounds. You almost look as big as Jeff! Glad that you're trying to sleep through the night but I like it that you're not spoiled by the world yet, and will definitely stick to your own schedule and be the world. Love and Blessings, Kathy

  3. Hey Noah,

    I did check out some new videos of you. You weren't exactly cooing but you're trying to talk. I'm glad that you didn't like cooking so much because you'll get stuck doing it every day if you did, believe me. But eating is good and food is one of the best things in life. I don't know what I think of your chair, but I hope that you like it. Take care. XO Kathy

  4. It's hard to video Noah when he's cooing because he does it when I'm making eye contact with him talking to him... once I bring the camera out he stares at the colored light on it.
