
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday November 13 -post 2

So we called the dr. and he said to come in... turns out Noah does not have an ear infection! The other dr. misdiagnosed a virus for the ear infection... apparently it is common. He has a stomach virus which will run its course. He did get a shot for the nausea and some medication for the diarrhea. Sorry this is so descriptive, but it's my journal. Anyway, he's slept a lot today and drank almost a whole container of pedialyte... I hope he has a good night and feels better tomorrow... he just wasn't his usual bubbly self today.
We went through many outfits today!

1 comment:

  1. POOR NOAH! This is waay worse than just a snotty nose! I hope he feels better soon and you guys get some rest... and don't catch what he has!...... on the plus side,I saw his piano video and I LOVE when he eats the camera! I could watch that all day and laugh my hiney off! :)

    Feel better Noah, <3 Sammie
