
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday November 1

Happy birthday to Noah (8 months) and me (older than I'd like to admit). I was off of work today, so I took advantage of the time off and made doctor appointments for the both of us. Noah got to go to school and play for a little while when I went to the dentist. Then we ate lunch at Cafe Reconcile (Noah was tired and fussy- I can't blame him... it was loud in there)... Jeff and I really enjoyed our lunch, we just wish Noah would have enjoyed himself as well. After that we went to Noah's doctor appointment where he christened the examination room twice! In his defense, it was a urologist who was fiddling around down there.

Here's a cute video that was taken Oct. 16 at the Pumpkin Patch.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Noah!.... and HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECCA!!! Noah is getting so big... and you are getting so..... wise! Hence the owl :)
    Miss you guys tons!!!!! *K+S
