
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday July 31

We had an interesting night! I took the sleep positioner out of Noah's crib yesterday. He did fine during his daytime naps...he didn't move around much at all. But last night he woke up around 2 am; he had rolled over on his tummy and gotten his arm through the slats in the crib which I'm guessing is what caused him to wake up. Then he woke up again around 4am when his head was against the front side of the crib and his foot sticking out of the back side of the crib. I read to take the bumper out when taking the sleep positioner out... I will definitely be putting both back in tonight!


  1. You can get a “mesh” bumper so Noah doesn’t stick his arms and feet out. This is also safer b/c if he rolls into it there not breathing issues. Just a suggestion. :)

  2. oh glad to see you hung the animals... cute.
